“Share it Forward”

Be a part of the Moments of Peace movement. If you LOVE what Moments of Peace has done for you, we ask that you become part of the movement and “Share it Forward” … When you Share it forward, you yourself are helping more people to be touched by Moments of Peace…

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3 Responses to “Share it Forward”

  1. Cori Jones says:

    Thanks for Sharing!!

  2. Our first to “Share it Forward” From Ralph and Nancy Fear…Thank you so much for your wonderful testimonial!

    Our good friend Charles Suniga composes Moments of Peace music, and has opened our eyes and hearts to a better way to look at and enjoy Life. We met Charles eight years ago, heard him playing at a big home and garden show, stopped to listen and stayed two hours. What a treat to meet and begin a real friendship with this truly remarkable man. He spent many years as a cafe entertainer, played in Las Vegas among many venues, and wanted to create something more personal and relevant with his talent. He has been on this quest long enough to have developed a growing and devoted following. He has created a series of themed hour long CDs, These have been utilized in class rooms, hospitals, and nursing homes for relaxation and enjoyment. You may have heard him at PDX, Portland international Airport, where he organized live music presentations in the concourses for travelers to enjoy. It is fun to watch Charles in action, to experience and witness his effect on people. Enjoy his music, listen to the albums, share him as he shares himself. Help spread the word, Share It Forward. Do a nice thing for your friends. Watch for his public appearances. He is a terrific irrepressible entertainer

    Ralph and Nancy Fear

  3. Jeannine and Charles
    Thank you for your update on your inspirational music
    I been enjoying your music since last year
    let me tell you how feel when I hear your music
    I feel in romance with myself and happy to be a life.
    the enjoyment of your music make me feel peaceful and healthy
    I been living by myself since April, and let me tell you
    your music has became my best friend in my lonely times
    I have to admit that sometimes I even cry of pure enjoyment
    “Romancing the passion” it is already in my blood, I enjoy it every day.
    I want to call your music “the feel good music”
    because that is how make me feel
    thank you for sharing love and joy

    your fan and your friend
    Lucio angel

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